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How It Works

Our platform allows easy search for those who have lost an item.

MyQRSearch is an application that aims to facilitate the efficient and speedy retrieval of lost items.

1 . Generate QR codes

Registered users can create and generate QR codes for sharing or printing at a small fee.
MyQRSearch allows users to create and generate unique QR codes for their belongings. These codes can be shared or printed for easy identification and tracking. By registering and attaching these QR codes to their possessions, owners can increase the chances of their items being quickly found and returned.

2. Partner lists item

MyQRSearch partners with various organizations with organizations with high foot traffic (e.g., schools and airports, etc.) to create a comprehensive lost and found network. When someone finds a lost item with a MyQRSearch QR code, they can scan it using the app and drop it off at the nearest partner location. The partner will then list the item on the platform and notify the registered owner of its discovery. Communication will only be initiated if the found item has a QR code attached. This streamlined process ensures that lost items are reunited with their owners efficiently.

3. Users search for items

Registered and unregistered users can search for lost items on the MyQRSearch platform. Users can access a list of matching items in the database by providing details about the lost item. This user-friendly search functionality makes it easy for individuals to find lost belongings.

Our Commitment:

The MyQRSearch team is dedicated to providing exceptional service and support to its users. They continuously strive to improve the application's user-friendliness and efficiency, offering peace of mind and increasing the likelihood of lost items being recovered.